Starting on May 1, 2014, there will be new Transcript Fees across the province for everyone ordering transcripts of Ontario Court proceedings.
A transcript is a written record of everything said during a court proceeding. It includes all decisions made by Judges and legal arguments and submissions of lawyers and the evidence of witnesses.
The Ontario Government believed that it was time to finally raise the costs on transcripts given there importance. They also decided to open the industry and allow those not employed by the Ministry f the Attorney General to produce them.
Transcripts are important records of the events and evidence that happens during a court proceeding. Their accuracy is extremely important.
The New Fees will include:
- an increase to $4.30 per page fee for a first certified copy;
- Introduction of an electronic copy fee of $20.00;
- A minimum fee of $20.00 per transcript;
- expedite service fees: $6.00 per page for Expedite (within 5 business days) for a first certified copy, and $8.00 per page for Daily (within 24 hours) for a first certified copy.
The new court transcript costs apply to orders placed on or after May 1, 2014.
The new fees regulation can be found here.
For assistance on criminal charges please contact William Jaksa.